Innovative Technologies to Reduce Carbon Footprint in Chemical Industry
The report particularly looks at innovative catalysts and other technologies that are able to indirectly reduce the carbon footprint in chemical/petrochemical industries in China
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CO2 Management and Utilization Technology Landscape in China 2021
The report provides an analysis on a pathway towards carbon neutrality in China by 2060. It exams the Chinese CCUS industry value chain, and identifies the relevant CCUS projects in China.
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The Chinese Market for Residential Air Purifiers 2015 Edition
The report provides an up-to-date analysis on the Chinese residential air purifier market and identifies the market and technology trends that will have significant influences over the next five years...
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Chasing The Sun: Searching for Game Changers in Disruptive Photovoltaic Technologies
In the past few years, alternative solar technologies, such as copper indium gallium (di)selenide (CIGS), copper zinc tin sulfide (CZTS), concentrated PV (CPV), organic PV (OPV), are emerging ...
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